Sunday 17 August 2008

Greece - Plan B

I had to leave Athens... by the way, the whole time in Athens was a bit of a waste... i hadn't planned anything, i changed my plans and as a result i have the feeling i did nothing. i spent 5 nights there and all i can say i did was to visit the sacred site of Delphi and go one day to the beach. apart from that, a lot of time on the internet cafe (resolving pending issues and checking what to do next) and hanging out at the hostel's roof bar with other backpackers - which is fun, but after some time you get tired of replying to the same questions...
oh, by the way, i didn't feel well on the last day in athens... my stomach... plus i was feeling very weak, thought i was going to black out on my own on the tram... i got very scared! a girl who was sleeping in my bedroom gave me some medicine and i stayed in that night; went to bed very early. i started to feel better on the next day - i felt hungry for the first time in 4 days! (then i knew i was getting better)
and the guy from the hostel let me leave a bag there until i'm back. i wasn't thinking straight in the last month or so... you can't imagined how much i packed. there was NO WAY i would manage to carry that around. so left a whole bag in Athens. that was actually the best idea of the month! i might be starting to think straight again! this whole thing has been an emotional roller coster... sometimes i am very happy, sometimes i am very lonely and lost, without knowing what to do... i hope i am back on track now.
yesterday i started my way to the northeast of Greece, to Macedonia. Got a train in the morning to Thessaloniki (6 hrs). The other stupid thing i did was to spend a night here this weekend... it was bank holiday on friday and everything is shut. now, if everything was shut in Athens, obviously it would be shut in Thessaloniki! it is a ghost town! EVERYTHING IS SHUT, no cars, no one on the street... went to bed early, slept about 12 hours. i keep having long dreams... since the other night when i wasn't well... some are like nightmares... i dream about Reiss, about things in Rio, everything that has been haunting me in the past couple of weeks... very bizarre.
anyway, i think i walked the whole city today in about 4 hrs. (i was following my guide, which is another sign that i am starting to behave like myself again!) now i have nothing to do...
i have 2 hours to kill until my next train - i am going to Istanbul! (that was plan B). Istanbul is one of the cities in Europe that was on my list and i hadn't been able to go, so i am glad that i am doing it. it is relatively close to here and a lot cheaper, and it will give me time to plan Greece properly. I will come back later and hopefully a lot of people will have returned to work and the islands won't be so busy. that was the wisest plan - I hope!


Anonymous said...

Anuska, a Leila acabou de passar por istambul antes de vir para NY. Ela falou coisas maravilhosas. Mas já que vc está aí, e a idéia é se aventurar.... vá para a Capadócia. Oba, oba, oba, JOrge! Estou aqui acompanhando as aventuras. E torcendo para dar tudo certo. See you in November! Vou guardar um dia no Rio para vc. beijos

Luluzinha said...

Se joga. Depois você vai trabalhar muito e nunca mais vai poder fazer uma viagem dessas.
Beijo e boa sorte,